Mind, Thoughts & Beliefs - Counselling London & Online
Our mind thoughts and beliefs-Counselling in London, Camden, near Kings Cross The counselling can look at what we do with our thoughts, beliefs, fantasies, scenarios, assumptions, perspectives, imagination, curiosity, attitude and how these affect our body, feelings & mind and life as a whole. The counselling in London is also a space to explore what we tell ourselves our reasoning & the weighting we put on things, including:
- Influencing Our Thoughts, Beliefs
- Unwanted, Irrelevant Thoughts, Choice Of Thought
- Overthinking, Overanalysing, Overwhelment, Confusion - Stuck In Our Head
- Obsessive Thoughts, Obsessive Thinking, Overthinking, Fixating, Overanalysing Things, Paying Attention To Detail - Can't See The Forest For The Trees
- Overwhelmed, Overloaded, Overstimulated
- So Much To Do & Having To Do It All Ourselves
- Confusion & Bewilderment
- Our Inner World, Living In Our Head - Stuck In Our Head?
- Rationality, Irrationality
- Our Mind Like A Room, The Room In Our Mind
- Emotional Reasoning - Feelings Dominating Our Thoughts
- Beliefs & What We Tell Ourselves
- Self-beliefs & Believing In Ourself
- Unhelpful, Redundant, Inhibiting Rules, Loyalties, Oaths, Sacred Cows, Obligations, Duties, Taboos, Cultural Conventions
- Rigid, Fixed Beliefs Written In Stone
- Scenarios
- Mind Reading - Jumping To Conclusions, Fortune Telling, Believing Our Beliefs
- Fantasies - Fantasy Thinking
- Wishful Thinking
- Magical Beliefs
- Magical Thinking
- False Beliefs
- Truth, Knowledge & Knowing Things
- Our View Of "Reality", "Facts", "Statistics", "Numbers"
- Our Assumptions & Interpretations
- Keeping An Open Mind
- Observing, Labelling, Naming Our Thoughts - Thoughtfulness
- Over-Talking, Floodlighting, Oversharing - Balance Between Withholding Or Sharing All Our Thoughts
- Our Triggers
- Our Hooks
- Unconscious Thoughts & Beliefs
- Our Opinions
- Our Preoccupations
- Fundamental Modes Of Thinking
- Concrete Thinking, Rigid Thinking, Thinking In Absolutes & Over-Generalising - All Or Nothing Thinking, Either/Or Thinking, Duality
- All-Or-Nothing Thinking Affecting Our Relationships
- Compartmentalising Things
- Thinking On Autopilot
- Convergent Thinking, Divergent Thinking
- Background/Foreground Thoughts, Our Self-Talk, What We Tell Ourselves, Internal Dialogue - Choosing What We Think
- Reframing, Limiting Beliefs, Mindsets
- Power Struggles Inside Our Head
- Self-Defeating Thoughts
- Nihilistic Beliefs
- Intrusive, Invasive Thoughts, Unhelpful Habitual Thinking Patterns, Unproductive, Negative Thoughts & Their Meanings
- Mundaneness - Believing Life Is Mundane
- Discomfort Inside, Dissociation
- Life's Predicaments, Paradoxes, Contradictions, Conflicts, Contrasts, Dilemmas
- Prioritising Things & What's Important With Ourself, Others
- Discernment
- Our Perspective
- How Our Perspective May Influence Situations
- Our Perceptions, How We See Ourself
- Relationship Between Our Perceptions, Attitude & Approach
- Negative Attitude
- Quality Of Our Thinking
- Outlook, Attitude & Its Effects
- Memories, Brain Fog - Choice In What We Are Willing To Forget & What We Are Willing To Remember
- Our Mind
- Caught Up In Our Mind, Unnecessary Thoughts - Giving Our Mind Space
- Wandering Mind, Monkey Mind
- Wandering Mind - Our Focus, Attention, Concentration
- Distractions, Distracting Our Mind
- Harnessing, Protecting Our Mental Energy
- Clarity, How We Think - Clarifying, Filtering, Strengthening Our Thoughts, Beliefs
- Expanding Our Mind
- Our Flexible Brain
- Thinking Freely, Freeing Our Mind
- Flexible Thinking, Cognitive Flexibility
- Mentalising
- Mindfulness & Mentalising
- Mindfulness
- Meditation
- Feeding Our Mind, Healthy Mind
- Nurturing Our Mind
- Peace Of Mind, Stilling Our Mind, Contentment, Inner Peace, Internal Calmness - What May Not Help
- Peace Of Mind, Stilling Our Mind, Contentment, Inner Peace, Internal Calmness - What May Help
- Our Curiosity
- Our Ideas - Responding To What & How We Think
- Utilising Our Mind - Controlling Our Thoughts Affecting Our Actions
Contacting The Counsellor in London Feel free to ring for an initial chat 020 7916 1342 or email me to arrange a meeting at my London counselling practice based in Camden, near Kings Cross. As well as in-person counselling I can offer Skype counselling, online counselling as another option.
For full details about the Counselling in London, Camden, Kings Cross service, my desktop website refers