in London

Online & London, Camden, Kings Cross, NW1

020 7916 1342

Online & London Counselling Services in Camden, Kings Cross

Our Life Now - Clarifying The Present Situation

Counselling In London For Our Life Now From time to time, concerns in our life come to the foreground and need paying attention to. We may want to come to terms with an important issue or transition in our life, make specific decisions, work through uncomfortable feelings or think things through. Relationship concerns may be a priority for us. We may be caught in the past, or hankering for our future, struggling to value the precious commodity and quality of time (see also Concept Of Time, Timelessness, Time Passing), or being in the moment, valuing the present or as if we are waiting for life to start. The counselling in London can be a space to explore these.

The psychotherapy & counselling process in London involves taking time to outline our current situation, who we are now, where we would like to be - living to our full potential, and what stops us getting there so far, exploring whether our life now may also trigger memories from our past, some of which we had forgotten or believed we had dealt with. Yet in reality memories of events don't go away forever. They often resurface at a different layer or level, providing us with opportunities to revisit or heal (see also Changes & Transitions - Counselling London). Our past can be seen as a compass helping us to make sense and meaning of our present. Counselling and psychotherapy can help us get to know what we are doing and why we are doing it, so we can decide whether our future actions point towards being regressive or progressive. Some of us may want to find ways to be more alive and engaged in the moment - being in the present, without always putting things off to sometime in the future, which never seems to arrive, e.g. "when this happens, I will... when that happens, I will..." (see also Counselling For Motivation & Will Power). Being connected, grounded, feeling this in our body - through our quality of awareness, can also be explored through the counselling process.

Contacting The Counsellor in London Feel free to ring for an initial chat 020 7916 1342 or email me to arrange a meeting at my London counselling practice based in Camden, near Kings Cross. As well as in-person counselling I can offer Skype counselling, online counselling as another option.

For full details about the Counselling in London, Camden, Kings Cross for our life now, my desktop website refers
