Mode, Frequency & Duration of Therapy Sessions In London
Mode Of Therapy In my London counselling practice I value the real and authentic face-to-face interactions of counselling - person to person in a physical room together. Online, Skype and Telephone Counselling also available. Walk and talk therapy is also available.
Initial Arrangements I offer an initial meeting so I can clarify what's happening in your life, any issues, concerns. I will want to hear about your situation and why you have come in order to assess your main needs and what will best help you. Following this, regular, weekly, open-ended therapy sessions will typically be agreed. Starting counselling is an important step and becomes a commitment for both of us. (See also Counselling Approach - Finding Out About You)

Therapy Duration Things build up over time and for most problems there are usually no quick-fixes or easy resolutions and I do not pretend to offer them (see also Stages Of Therapy, Tasks Of Counselling & Psychotherapy). Any pain that comes from deep within can take time to be discovered, healed. Deep and lasting change takes time at any stage of life (see also Making Time For You). The structures of our mind in infancy have been formed, yet our brain has the power of plasticity. Getting beyond our familiar defences and moving into change has it's own individual timescale. Psychotherapy is usually long term and considers underlying difficulties and unresolved conflicts, the unconscious, our coping strategies, alongside how we think, our own values, dreams, hopes, aspirations and what really matters to us. Occasionally a fixed number of counselling sessions can be arranged. This may be suitable for brief work, where people need to concentrate on a particular problem.
Homework & Reviews Any understanding or theory needs to be put in practice, experienced out there in the world. Therefore, I sometimes suggest you try new things out by offering "homework", tailored to your needs. This can also help you test what works, and what doesn't. Periodic reviews are offered to mark progress and future focus of counselling in London.
Endings Ending is discussed and planned in advance with the counsellor / psychotherapist.
Counselling Referrals
Receiving Referrals Alongside personal referrals and recommendation from clients, I accept counselling and psychotherapy referrals from GP practices, employers and law firms, other psychotherapists, and counsellors, as well as psychologists and other professionals. Potential clients will be offered an initial meeting for counselling or psychotherapy in London as soon as possible. People will need to have an interest in thinking about themselves and desire to change in order for the therapy to be effective. If I am unable to see you or feel like I can't offer the right kind of help, I will refer you to someone else, who is better equipped to meet your individual needs. If you would prefer to see a counsellor closer to you, I am able to put you in touch with other counsellors throughout London, including Camden, Kings Cross.
Counselling & Psychotherapy Unsuitability
Counselling Unsuitability The confidential process of therapy is about increasing awareness, choice, and self-responsibility, rather than judging, diagnosing, labelling or offering a medical model of "corrective treatment". This may stigmatise people, for we are too complex to categorise into neat boxes. As a private practitioner working in-person, online and outdoors, the counselling and psychotherapy service I offer is not suitable for:
- Couples, children, adolescents, families
- Individuals who are unwilling to address their acute addiction problems
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
- People with obsessive thoughts, behaviours, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
- People with severe mental health problems, including those experiencing psychosis - hallucinations or delusions
- People who self-harm, are suicidal, or need urgent help, when it may not be the right time for psychotherapy and psychiatric input may be more appropriate
- People with eating disorders (e.g. anorexia nervosa, bulimia)
- People who need the therapist to be in prompt or frequent contact with their GP, consultant, psychiatrist
- People whose main focus of work is about adoption
- People experiencing dementia, Alzheimer's
- Work related bullying, harassment, attitude, proactivity, disciplinary problems
- Pre-trial therapy, impending or current court cases, probation reports
- In certain situations, diagnosis and labels can be invaluable, provide us with access to treatment, medication. Some people feel relief with diagnosis, being given a label, and that is our choice if we want this, yet this is not the role of counselling and psychotherapy to provide this. I do not divulge the symptoms, issues and the content of our work together to third parties, including people who need a character reference, endorsement, diagnosis, assessment, reports, medical or psychiatric input, a "label" of a condition, a comment on someone's psychological fitness, mental health or whether they are cured of a condition, behaviour or attitude (including references or a statement of fact, e.g. fit/unfit for work, suitability for a profession, undergo medical treatment, or certificate of therapy attendance), clinical or other reports, including any letters, forensic reports, to third parties, e.g. medical professions, lawyers, insurance, courts. If these are required, this is the domain of your GP, a counselling psychologist (see British Psychological Society) or psychiatrist. Therefore, the therapist does not make decisions, comment on a person's suitability or capability, nor will the therapist give permission, advice to third parties whether or not to go ahead or decline anything in a client's personal or professional life. Certain "labels" may manifest in our life, but they are not our self, our essence (see also Identifying, Disidentifying & Integrating All Aspects Of Us). The human being and therapeutic relationship is valued in the therapy work as opposed to the (often subjective) "condition", "label" (often influenced by social norms - the society we live in), "pathology", "diagnosis", "disorder" or "report" (see also Identifying, Disidentifying & Integrating All Aspects Of Us). The psychotherapy therefore acknowledges we are not just a "problem" to be fixed like a broken car. (See also Science Or Art?)
- People who want absolute, guaranteed results
As an individual, private practitioner I am unable to offer an emergency service, even by phone or online. The therapy offered is not a crisis service. Therefore, please be aware the therapy is not appropriate for people in emergencies or at risk to themselves or others.
If you need urgent help
Please contact emergency services on 999, visit your nearest Accident & Emergency department, or call 111 or visit
For a range of information on how to access mental health services for free on the NHS click here. You can also contact your GP surgery and ask for an emergency appointment, or go straight to A&E at a hospital.
If in crisis or need to talk to someone, maybe needing mental health support
For mental health support call 111. You can also speak to Samaritans on 116 123 or visit (they are a 24 hour service).
For those of us who prefer text there is a 24/7 free confidential text service for anyone in crisis text SHOUT to 85258.
If feeling suicidal
If your life is in danger, or you have seriously harmed yourself, or feel like you are about to harm yourself, call 999 for an ambulance or go straight to A&E. Alongside speaking to Samaritans on 116 123 or visiting, you can contact Maytree respite centre at - 020 7263 7070.
For suicide prevention there is an app, which provides a pocket suicide prevention resource with full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis - Staying Alive.
More About The Counsellor
Counselling Training My counselling training has given me a broad counselling knowledge, including Humanistic, Psychospiritual, Transpersonal Psychosynthesis models and others. I also hold a psychodynamic context and am able to offer CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) counselling techniques if required. Yet besides all the training and theories, I learnt that the most profound connections and healing take place not through models, theories but through the value of experiences. My experience and training as a counsellor includes acknowledging multiple meanings, working creatively with a range of integrative counselling approaches and strategies.
Psychosynthesis Approach My psychosynthesis training acknowledged and combined the physical, emotional, psychological, mental, sexual, and spiritual aspects of each person helping me gain a broader understanding of myself and others. Psychosynthesis - Founded by Roberto Assagioli works with not only the symptoms we bring to therapy and our life now including the impact of our past, but also acknowledges our future potential, alongside the role of our conscious, unconscious selves and our unifying centre's role in unifying and integrating all the elements of our personality around the centre of who we are - that we are our Self, so any primal wounds are healed and the fullness of our personality is not blocked. The psychosynthesis therapist holds a space to find out more about ourself, what we are attached to, what we can disidentify from (e.g. our subpersonalities), and explore our relationships with others, the wider world and indeed ourselves, alongside the connections we need and make, the phases, stages, transitions, transformations in our life. Releasing ourselves and letting go of areas we need to, connecting to our personal freedom, free will, free spirit, accessing our motivation and will, our growth and acknowledging life's journey, initiations may also be part of the psychosynthesis therapy we may also explore what gives our life meaning, purpose. (See also Integrative Counselling Approach, Philosophy & Therapy Style Of Practice)
My Continued Professional Development In Counselling I undertake continuing professional counselling development and training in order to enhance my counselling knowledge and experience, and be informed of advancement in the counselling field.
More about my counselling approach, philosophy & style of practice...
A set fee is charged and I have a limited number of reduced rates for those on a low income. It is usual for the full fee to be charged for missed counselling and psychotherapy sessions.
Concerns & Complaints
A Concern Or Complaint It's in everyone's interest that concerns and complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. Some issues can be resolved informally, without the need to involve formal procedures. If you have any concerns about your therapy, please discuss with your therapist first to try to sort it out with them, by talking the issue through in the safety of the therapy relationship. Most concerns can usually be resolved in this way. (A concern can be defined as an expression of doubt or worry about an issue, for which reassurances are sought.) If the concern has not been resolved or you need to make a formal complaint, please initially complain to the therapist, who will promptly respond. And if unresolved, please complain to the therapist's governing body - UKCP, outlining how you have tried to resolve the issue, explaining that it has not been possible.
FAQs about the Counselling London practice based in Kings Cross, Camden:
- What is the frequency of counselling in London, Kings Cross?
- How many counselling in London sessions do I need?
- How much does counselling London cost?
- Must I visit your London counselling practice in Camden or do you offer Skype counselling, online counselling or Telephone counselling?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of offering online counselling, Skype counselling or in-person counselling in London, Camden, Kings Cross
- Do you only offer counselling in London, Camden or Kings Cross?
- What times do you offer counselling in London, Kings Cross or Camden?
- How do I contact a counsellor in London, Camden, or near Kings Cross?
- How effective is counselling in London, Kings Cross, Camden?
- What can I expect from the initial session of counselling London?
- What to expect from the other counselling London sessions?
- What is the typical duration of the London counselling services in Camden, Kings Cross
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