UK Council for Psychotherapy


Accredited Psychotherapist

British Association for
Counselling & Psychotherapy


Accredited Counsellor London

Private Health Insurance


Registered Counsellor London

Relationship Counselling
Central London, Camden, Kings Cross, London NW1
Glen Gibson - Dip. Counselling, MA Psychotherapy, Dip. Psychotherapy
UKCP & mBACP Accredited Relationship Counsellor & Marriage Counsellor 020 7916 1342

Relationship Counselling & Marriage Counselling London

Find a counsellor - Counselling near me. What is marriage counselling? Please note that I use the words "marriage counselling london", "marital counselling London", "marriage counselling advice", "relationship counselling london", "counselling marriage guidance", "relate counselling London", or their non-English matches "relationship counseling London", "marriage counseling London", "marital counseling London", "marriage counseling therapy London", "marriage counseling advice" interchangeably. I also often refer to counselling as psychotherapy, e.g. "marital psychotherapy London", "marriage psychotherapy London", "counselling in Camden Town", "counselling in Kings Cross", "relationship psychotherapy London" or therapy, e.g. "relationship therapy London", "marriage therapy London", "marital therapy London". I am trained & accredited as a relationship counsellor London, marriage counsellor London, marital counsellor London and marriage counselor London, marital counselor London offering relationship advice, marriage advice, marital advice, relationship advice women and relationship advice men. I offer help with relationship problems, marriage problems, marital problems and I am happy to discuss their differences with you.

I DON'T see couples for relationship counselling, marriage counselling, or civil partnership therapy.
Please note, for relationship counselling, I ONLY see individuals privately (independently of their partner),
who want to work through their OWN, SPECIFIC concerns, issues in their relationship.

Influence Of Our Past On Our Relationship Or Marriage

Influence Of Our Past

Relationship counselling London, relationship psychotherapy London, marriage therapist, marriage counsellor, relationship problems, marriage problems - central London, Camden - relationship problems

Early Influences Relationships trigger things, which are unhealed in us - providing us with an opportunity to heal. The relationship counselling and marriage counselling not only take into consideration our immediate concerns, but also how our past may have impacted upon us, including past relationships. How our emotional needs were met (or not met) in our early years influences our present thoughts, reactions and relationship style. For example, if we weren't heard or seen in the past, this may affect our interactions now (see also Repetition Compulsion). Any accumulated resentment or sense of injustice from the past, obstructs our clear perception in the present. What we fear from our past can be recreated or re-enacted with our partner. Our unwanted feelings can be projected onto them, preventing us from loving ourselves and others or to heal. Some of the emotions we express may be quite primal (e.g. anger, jealousy), indicating that they may have earlier origins. What we believe to be a problem in the relationship (e.g. fear of engulfment, hurt, pain, shame or guilt) may simply be a projection from our unmet childhood needs or difficulties with our parents, onto our partner. This can also include feeling disconnected, disrespected, controlled or abandoned (see Our Sensitivities - Pushing Each Other's Buttons, Counselling London). Despite being a mature adult, we can at times act like a hurt or angry child inside. The unmet childhood needs may render us emotionally needy or denying our needs. If we rigidly stick to the promises we made to ourselves in our past, e.g. "I will never...", "I will always..." - they can keep us forever in reaction (re-enaction) in our relationship and have nothing to do with our current partner (see also Our Painbody). We may for example use others or allow us to be used by them. If we are having communication problems with our partner, it may be useful for us to work with transforming our childhood experiences. It can be as if an unconscious part from our past wants to recreate the struggles or pain from our past so as to heal unhealed wounds (see also Evolving Individually & As A Couple). Some of us may gravitate to someone similar to the parent with whom we have unresolved issues with (see also The Impact Of Our Past Affecting Us Now, Including Our Relationships). This may be connected to noticing familiar roles, patterns, characteristics in our adult relationships now. The relationship counselling can explore the impact of these early influences, untangling any roots from our past.

Our issues only get triggered within our relationship - not when we're alone. Intimate relationships are the fertile ground for teaching us who we are, building a healthy relationship with ourself, healing ourself. The closer the relationship, the deeper the wounds become activated, providing us with opportunities to heal whet we need to heal, learn, love.

FAQs about the relationship Counselling London practice based in Kings Cross, Camden:

  • What is the frequency of relationship counselling in London, Kings Cross?
  • How many relationship counselling in London sessions do I need?
  • How much does relationship counselling London cost?
  • Must I visit your London counselling practice in Camden or do you offer Skype counselling, online counselling or Telephone counselling?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of offering online counselling, Skype counselling or in-person counselling in London, Camden, Kings Cross
  • Do you only offer relationship counselling in London, Camden or Kings Cross?
  • What times do you offer relationship counselling in London, Kings Cross or Camden?
  • How do I contact a relationship counsellor in London, Camden, or near Kings Cross?
  • How effective is relationship counselling in London, Kings Cross, Camden?
  • What can I expect from the initial session of relationship counselling London?
  • What to expect from the other relationship counselling London sessions?
  • What is the typical duration of the London counselling services in Camden, Kings Cross

... back to Relationship Counselling, Marriage Counselling & Relationship Problems - Index

Counselling London Psychotherapy Central London
