A Flexible On-Call Counselling & Support Service
for Employees in London - Work Site & Off Site
In This Section:
- Key Support Packages of Workplace Counselling for Employees in London
- Key Benefits of Counselling at Work for Employees in London
- Emergency Counselling At Work For Critical Incidents At Work
- Aims of Workplace Counselling for Employees in London
- My Employment Counsellor Approach
- Valuing Company's Assets - Staff
- What Happens in Counselling at Work Assessment
- Long Term Counselling at Work for Employees in London
Key Support Packages of Workplace Counselling for Employers in London

- Face-to-face employee counselling at work support
- Crisis intervention counselling at work for staff
- Critical incident and trauma counselling support
- On-call employers counselling assistance (immediate counselling sometimes available)
- Quick, responsive, emergency counselling assistance for employers
- Ad hoc employer counselling support
- Peripatetic counselling services
- Expatriate outreach counselling services
- Retirement counselling support
- Family counselling support
- Redundancy counselling for employees - personal counselling for staff being laid off or made redundant
- Counselling for stress-related illnesses
- Counselling for staff personal problems, e.g. bereavement, illness, alcohol misuse, divorce or separation
- At work or offsite employee counselling facilities
- Duty of care counselling support for staff
- Follow-up staff counselling support
Key Benefits of Counselling at Work for Employers in London
- Freeing up management time
- Supporting "duty of care", health & safety at work
- Supporting staff wellbeing, including productivity & burnout
- Can reduce staff sick leave & absenteeism
- Improving staff morale
- A responsive and preventative counselling service for staff
- Integrating the counselling service into your specific organisational culture
- Supporting internal departments
- Positioning the organisation as a caring employer
- Staff likely to be more valued
- Providing a safe and confidential place for staff to "offload"
Emergency Counselling At Work For Critical Incidents At Work
Responsive Counselling At Work Some businesses, companies or organisations need a quick, responsive, prompt, emergency counselling response to crisis incidents or accidents at work, especially about a fatality, death. Staff may be shocked, traumatised, unmotivated, simply need some space to talk. They may need extra support, help in readjusting. It may be difficult to carry on as normal. Each person responds differently and work counselling can help a person through this. Employers value this employee counselling provision as part of their duty of care.
Aims of Workplace Counselling for Employees in London
Workplace Counselling Aims My aim is for employees to feel better about themselves and be able to focus at work and consequently benefit the organisation by providing a happier more stable and creative workforce. The workplace counselling service also aims to reduce stress, absenteeism & the "hidden costs", so staff are committed and more effective having overcome or come to terms with personal problems affecting their work.
My Employment Counsellor Approach

Counselling At Work Approach I am experienced at working with several approaches, and have and understanding of organisational cultures/factors which impact upon a healthy work force. I also work with an awareness of the interests of different organisational stakeholders and of the potential for conflicts of interest between the needs of organisations and the individual clients. My experience has taught me that it is not only what we do what counts, but how we do it is also fundamental, through building good ways of relating. This can bring about lasting transformation.
Having a partnership approach, I like to work alongside key departments. Business clients, companies or organisations appreciate the fact that I keep the work counselling service personal, friendly and professional. I do not take on all new business unless I believe it benefits individual organisations, clients and the counselling service. This enables the work counselling service and your organisation to guarantee high levels of service.
Valuing Company's Assets - Staff
Counselling At Work - Valuing People The people - employees - are each organisation's, business', company's biggest asset. If disregarded, people's value diminishes and the expected business return may decrease. When employees are looked after, they will flourish & consistently perform well in the company.
What Happens in Counselling at Work Assessment
Counselling At Work Assessment I will ask the person to outline his or her concern or problem. The nature of the assessment is determined by the type of issue presented:
- Critical incidents at work
- Occupational stress, workplace stress - work-related stress - stress at work
- Work / career dilemmas
- Social well-being
- Internet misuse at work
- Alcohol & drugs at work
- Other work problems...
- Personal problems or crises
Counselling At Work Variations For some employees, there may not be a specific work related problem, they may just need to talk and off-load. Others they may need to work through a problem.
Process Of Counselling At Work The process starts with an initial employee counselling consultation - an assessment session at work or offsite. This assessment is key to the next steps since it will determine the appropriateness and level of counselling support. Often this will be short term work counselling.
Duration Of Counselling At Work Where longer term employee counselling support is indicated, this can be discussed.
Long Term Counselling at Work for Employees in London

Longer Term Counselling For some problems there are no magical quick-fixes. Even for people who have taken days off work for depression, stress or burn-out, it can take some time. Initial assessments may indicate that time limited sessions for certain individuals and situations may not be appropriate or advisable. Sometimes solution focused counselling at work can be ineffective where it is indicated that an employee needs more time to work with deeper underlying issues, or for unspecified problems where there are no clear obvious causes. Where this is the case, periodic reviews are offered to mark progress and future focus of counselling at work.
Indicators Of Longer Term Counselling Certain situations therefore require longer term employee counselling at work. These include:
- If the work related problem is long-term/deep rooted with underlying issues
- Unhelpful habits & addictions at work
- Use of indecent images at work, using pornography at work
- Internet misuse in the work place (e.g. pornography, gaming)
- Major staff health concerns
- Dyslexia support, dyspraxia support
- Long term esteem/worth issues
- Sexuality
- Long term identity issues
- Depression (work related or otherwise)
- Stress-related illnesses
- Life changing events
- Huge change in personal circumstances
- Bereavement
- People who know something is amiss yet can't put their finger on it.
- Feeling empty, aimless, directionless or pointless, lacking motivation, focus, purpose or meaning in life.
- Deep seated religious/spiritual factors
- Existential concerns
- Unresolved long term conflicts
Empowering Staff For these typical work issues, solution focused short-term problem-solving counselling at work may not assist and in fact can disempower employees.
Workplace Counselling Unsuitability The workplace counselling service I offer is not suitable for:
- Couples, children, adolescents, families
- Individuals who are unwilling to address their acute addiction problems
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
- People with obsessive thoughts, behaviours, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
- People with severe mental health problems, including those experiencing psychosis - hallucinations or delusions
- People who self-harm, are suicidal, or need urgent help, when it may not be the right time for psychotherapy and psychiatric input may be more appropriate
- People with eating disorders (e.g. anorexia nervosa, bulimia)
- People who need the therapist to be in prompt or frequent contact with their GP, consultant, psychiatrist
- People whose main focus of work is about adoption
- People experiencing dementia, Alzheimer's
- Work related bullying, harassment, attitude, proactivity, disciplinary problems
- Pre-trial therapy, impending or current court cases, probation reports
- In certain situations, diagnosis and labels can be invaluable, provide us with access to treatment, medication. Some people feel relief with diagnosis, being given a label, and that is our choice if we want this, yet this is not the role of counselling and psychotherapy to provide this. I do not divulge the symptoms, issues and the content of our work together to third parties, including people who need a character reference, endorsement, diagnosis, assessment, reports, medical or psychiatric input, a "label" of a condition, a comment on someone's psychological fitness, mental health or whether they are cured of a condition, behaviour or attitude. I do not provide references or statements of fact, e.g. fit/unfit for work, suitability for a profession, whether to undergo medical treatment, nor to provide certificates of therapy attendance, clinical or other reports, including any letters, forensic reports, to third parties, e.g. medical professions, lawyers, insurance, courts. If these are required, this is the domain of your GP, a counselling psychologist (see British Psychological Society) or psychiatrist. Therefore, the therapist does not make decisions, comment on a person's suitability or capability, nor will the therapist give permission, advice to third parties whether or not to go ahead or decline anything in a client's personal or professional life. Certain "labels" may manifest in our life, but they are not our self, our essence (see also Identifying, Disidentifying & Integrating All Aspects Of Us). The human being and therapeutic relationship is valued in the therapy work as opposed to the (often subjective) "condition", "label", "pathology", "diagnosis", "disorder" or "report" - often influenced by social norms - the society we live in (see also Identifying, Disidentifying & Integrating All Aspects Of Us). The psychotherapy therefore acknowledges we are not just a "problem" to be fixed like a broken car. (See also Science Or Art?)
Please be aware the workplace counselling services is not appropriate for people at risk to themselves or others. If they are, they need to seek immediate help by calling 999 for emergencies or 116 123 for Samaritans. For anyone feeling suicidal they can contact Maytree respite centre at 020 7263 7070